BACtrack and Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Partner to Reduce Drunk Driving

BACtrack is the exclusive breathalyzer partner in CDOT's high visibility advertising campaign to promote breathalyzers as a tool to reduce drunk driving.
This summer throughout Colorado, you'll see the familiar BACtrack Mobile around town featured on billboards and in video, radio, online ads and elsewhere. That's because BACtrack and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) have partnered in the nation's first high visibility campaign promoting breathalyzers as a tool to prevent drunk driving and DUIs. BACtrack is thrilled to be CDOT's exclusive partner.
You can see a sampling of creative for the CDOT campaign, Before Your Go, Know here. Below you see just one of the billboards placed in high traffic areas.
The campaign encourages Coloradans to use a breathalyzer to learn their BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) level to confirm they’re sober before getting behind the wheel. We're proud to see CDOT sharing the same message we've shared with customers since our company's inception and promoting the use of BACtracks to reduce the occurrence of impaired driving.
Keith Nothacker, BACtrack Founder and CEO, joined Sam Cole, CDOT Communications Manager, in Denver for a press event to announce the first of its kind partnership.
See our blog post with a sampling of the extensive media coverage the campaign garnered.
The announcement was followed by a live-streaming discussion and BACtrack Mobile demo on CDOT's Facebook page. See the full video here.
Our partnership also includes a research component; together we're examining the effectiveness of breathalyzers in terms of influencing the behavior of first-time DUI offenders. CDOT provided BACtrack Mobiles to 475 first-time DUI offenders to use this summer and complete surveys about their drinking habits, driving, and breathalyzer usage. CDOT will compile results of the study and share them in September.
The campaign follows CDOT’s 2016 research study, which examined the effect breathalyzers may have upon drinking habits and decision making. In the study, CDOT provided BACtrack Mobiles to 225 participants during the summer months; 84% of them agreed using a smartphone breathalyzer lowers their risk for a DUI and improves decision-making while drinking. Learn more about the 2016 study and view the video overview below.