The Independent Features BACtrack Mobile in Smartphone Breathalyzer Article

The Independent Features BACtrack Mobile in Smartphone Breathalyzer Article

BACtrack Mobile in he Independent

BACtrack Mobile was featured in a piece on the growing prevalence of smartphone breathalyzers last week.

"More than 1.2 million people were arrested for drunk driving in America in 2011... while the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that more than 10,000 people died in drunk driving collisions in 2010." However, with devices like the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer, drivers can now make more responsible, informed decisions.

"Drivers can work out how long it will be until they are safe to drive and control when to stop drinking, as the [BACtrack] app estimates the amount of time it will take them to sober up. Further features include the creation of drinking habits graph and the ability to share blood alcohol levels through text, Facebook and Twitter."

The UK based publication quoted BACtrack CEO and Founder Keith Nothacker saying, "We believe that if people are sharing and talking about their blood alcohol content, that’s definitely a good thing. It’s awareness, it’s educational and it creates a dialog about alcohol consumption."


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