Ask The DUI Expert, Officer Pelarenos

Ask The DUI Expert, Officer Pelarenos

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious, yet frighteningly common criminal offense. No one plans on getting a DUI. But being informed on what is involved from a law enforcement officer’s perspective can be enlightening.

In this new series of articles exclusively from BACtrack Breathalyzers, we will take customers’ questions and pose them to one of the foremost authorities on the topic—Officer William Pelarenos.

William Pelarenos is a state certified Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Instructor, a State Certified Breathalyzer Operator and Police Officer for over 26 years with over 900 D.U.I. arrests to date. Officer Pelarenos retired from the Cook County, Illinois Sheriffs Police on Dec 28, 2012. He was one of the “Top Cops” honored by the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM), Mother’s Against Drink Driving (MADD), and the Illinois Department of Transportation. The last 6 years of his career, he was part of a Cook County-wide D.U.I. Enforcement Unit and has testified in hundreds of D.U.I. trials and summary suspension hearings during his career. He is also the author of the book DUIs Decoded available on and, which is the textbook for seminars he holds for law enforcement and DUI Attorneys across the nation.

Stay tuned here for the answers to DUI questions. And if you have a question for Officer Pelarenos, email us at for answers supplied on this forum.

Our first question for Officer Pelarenos is now available here.



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