BACtrack Mobile Dazzles on CNET's First Look

BACtrack Mobile Dazzles on CNET's First Look

This week, CNET takes a sober First Look at the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer. Watch the video below. 


"Every 2 hours, three people are killed in alcohol-related highway crashes," the critic writes. "Compounding the tragedy is the fact that these deaths are preventable...And that's where the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer aims to make a difference."

He goes on to mention that while smaller, keychain-size breathalyzers are nothing new, "BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer brings the technology into the smartphone age." Suitably, BACtrack Mobile's "sleek and futuristic looks...wouldn't be out of place as a snazzy prop from a sci-fi flick." 

Turning to the feature set, CNET's critic comments, "another neat trick of the BACtrack is that it projects the time it will take until you'll likely be sober." He also give a detailed analysis of BACtrack Mobile's sharing features--a fair-minded assessment in a debate we've no doubt not heard the end of. 

CNET's conclusion: "the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer really is a standard personal breathalyzer at heart, though admittedly a very fancy one... a compelling tool that could help many people avoid danger to themselves and others."


Read the full review:



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