BACtrack CEO Interviewed on Shopify Masters

BACtrack CEO Interviewed on Shopify Masters

The latest podcast from Shopify Masters features BACtrack Founder and CEO, Keith Nothacker. The interesting and enlightening interview exhibits some great behind-the-scenes moments--particularly for entrepreneurs (who the podcast caters to). Keith speaks of the struggles he had launching BACtrack, essentially selling a product before the breathalyzer market even existed.

He also speaks about some of the risks he had to take in launching the company, the stresses and sacrifices he had to endure, as well as tactics for balancing stress in a role that is almost always "on".

Additionally, Keith gives tips on how he grew the business, and his approach to hiring and outsourcing by judging ROI.

Listen to the full podcast on Shopify Masters.

Shop for BACtrack Breathalyzers now


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