BACtrack Helps You Make Better Decisions While Drinking

With a BACtrack, estimate your alcohol level in seconds and get an estimate when your BAC will return to 0.00%.
Buy A BACtrack

Stay Safe and Consume Alcohol Responsibly

  • Estimate your alcohol level in seconds
  • Understand how alcohol affects the body
  • Test yourself, friends, and family
  • Get an estimate of when your BAC will return to 0.00%
  • "Whether you are a regular drinker or occasional, your true BAC will surprise you. Anyone who enjoys alcoholic beverages should own a BACtrack and use it regularly".

    -Todd W., BACtrack Customer

    • "Seeing the numbers gives you a certain awareness you can't deny."

    • Car and Driver logo

      Independent Test Ranks BACtrack #1 Breathalyzer Brand

    • BACtrack Mobile is "spot on" with the $890 police breathalyzer

    • The High Costs of a DUI

    • Factors That Affect BAC

    • How Much Alcohol Is In My Drink?