See what people are saying about BACtrack

"Our ER uses BACtrack breathalyzers to quickly administer a BAC test for incoming patients in emergency situations, where a blood test would simply take too long. Sometimes you need to know right away, and this helps us accomplish that."

– Elizabeth M.

“I enthusiastically support BACtrack Breathalyzers and their mission to get a breathalyzer in the hands of everyone. I know lives and families can be saved through the use of personal breathalyzers.”

– Dr. Phil

“As a distiller, much of my day is spent tasting alcoholic beverages for quality control. I use my BACtrack to make sure I'm not impaired when it's time to drive home. I'm confident in it's accuracy - it helps me safely manage my work day."

– Spencer M.

“This is cool!”

– Shaquille O’Neal
  • "You really need to learn to know your body. The best way to do that is to own a BACtrack Breathalyzer."

  • "Everybody has that friend who claims to be 'fine to drive' when he is not. Showing them just how over the legal limit they are might convince them to take a cab... A pretty excellent product, and it works as advertised."

  • "BACtrack's Mobile Breathalyzer, which can analyze a user's BAC on the fly, makes it easy for anyone with a smartphone to quantify all of that imbibing data and hold a mirror up to their drinking habits."

  • "Even if you don't feel buzzed, seeing the numbers gives you a certain awareness you can't deny."

BACtrack Featured on MythBusters “Alcohol Myths” Episode

BACtrack appears throughout the latest episode of the Discovery Channel show MythBusters. On MythBusters, Jamie, Adam and Kari apply some science to the theory that the more you drink, the more attractive you find the opposite sex.

DeSean Jackson on BACtrack Mobile's inclusion in gift bags given to the presenters and nominees at the 2014 ESPY Awards.

"Make sure you're alright - you don't want a DUI"

– DeSean Jackson
  • "Following the DUI arrest of one child, I purchased this to monitor the drinking/driving behavior of another. In addition to the reminder that "your breathalyzer will be waiting when you get home", it has become a useful teaching tool for teenagers who think "I'm fine" or "I won't get pulled over"

    – Mary W., California

  • "I bought this to test my teen daughter after being out with friends. It's easy and quick, and accurately detected when I couldn't by talking to her. Thanks BACtrack!"

    – California Parent

  • "My son has a drinking problem. In order to control his use of alcohol and ensure the safety of others we began testing him regularly. He is participating in a program now and we continue to use the BACtrack S80 to insure compliance. It is the best! Thank you!"

    – Susan R.

  • "After I got mine, my son in college would borrow it every time he was home visiting. The next Christmas, I got him one. My daughter, who is at the same college told me that my son is "all about the breathalyzer" at parties. His friends actually think it's cool and fun to try, but most importantly, they use it to decide who will drive and who won't… Anyone who ever drinks anything and drives afterwards should have one in their car."

    – Laurie E.

“I currently own and live in a Sober Living Home. I use my breathalyzer to test the women who live in our home to determine sobriety. We depend on knowing each of us is sober and our BACtrack makes that possible.”

– Dani M. Dani's Sober Living Home,
Austin, TX

"This device has changed my understanding of how alcohol levels are not what you might think. All alcoholic drinks are not the same. I pay much more attention now to the percentage of alcohol in beers and wine when out at dinner. The penalties for drunk driving are just too severe and not worth the risk."

– Carl F.

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