Summer Drinking Habits Revealed in our Latest Consumption Report

Summer Drinking Habits Revealed in our Latest Consumption Report

Fall is here and the scent of pumpkin spice in the air. And that means it’s time to crunch the numbers from our BACtrack app data to gain insight into summer drinking habits.

In the past, we've looked at everything from average BAC levels for NFL fans and average BAC levels by state and by major U.S. holidays

Now we’ve examined Summer BAC levels to see the effect warner temps, celestials celebrations and holidays have on drinking habits.

See a few highlights below and check out all of the details here.

Also, don't miss all of our past BACtrack Consumption Reports.

The purpose of our BACtrack Consumption Reports is to provide insight into alcohol consumption patterns to encourage people to make smarter decisions when drinking.

The Booziest Days of Summer 

  • The booziest day of the entire summer was the Saturday before Labor Day, September 2nd, with an average BAC of 0.074%. This is also the kickoff for college football and National Tailgating Day (no wonder!). 
    • The average BAC is just under the legal limit of 0.08% BAC and it’s 45% higher than the summer average of 0.051%.
  • Three of the top five days with the highest average BAC are over holiday weekends, just prior to the holiday. While the Saturday before Labor Day has an average BAC of 0.074%, all other days in the top five have an average BAC of 0.073%.
    • September 2nd, the Saturday before Labor Day: 0.074%
    • May 28, the Sunday before Memorial Day: 0.073%
    • June 30, the Friday before July 4th: 0.073%
    • Saturday, August 19th: 0.073%
    • Saturday, June 24th: 0.073%
    • Almost half of the top 20 highest average BAC days were holidays or those days leading up to them. These include the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day holidays.


    …and the Most Sober Days of Summer

    • Post-holiday, average BACs plummet; they’re also lower prior to holiday weekends.
    • The lowest average BACs are nearly 50% less than the summer average of 0.051%.
    • Wednesday, August 30th had the lowest average BAC of the entire summer (0.025% BAC).
      • Our best guess: people are doing whatever they can to wrap things up prior to the long Labor Day weekend and the official end of summer. They are too busy for drinking!
      • Other days with the lowest average BAC are as follows:
        • Tuesday, May 30, the day after Memorial Day: 0.026%
        • Tuesday, September 5, the day after Labor Day: 0.028%
        • June 29, the Thursday before July 4th weekend: 0.028% 
        • Wednesday, July 19th: 0.034%  
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