We had a blast breathalyzing people at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA. The Dems definitely knows how to have a good time!
But having too good of a time without drinking responsibly has lead to some sobering numbers...
1.5 Million
Average number of people arrested annually for drunk driving
Average number of deaths per year from drunk driving related accidents
Percentage of people who have never used a breathalyzer before
So, while “Decision 2016” may be choosing the next President of the United States, you also have another important decision to make in 2016...
Decide to help keep your friends and family safe.
Decide to make better decisions while drinking.
Decide to drink smarter with BACtrack.
Introducing BACtrack Mobile
BACtrack Mobile in the News
BACtrack Mobile is "spot on" with the $890 police breathalyzer
"[BACtrack Mobile] can actually save lives--either yours or the people you are with."
Independent Test Ranks BACtrack #1 Breathalyzer Brand
"Seeing the numbers gives you a certain awareness you can't deny"
"An Anti-DUI Device Your Carry in Your Pocket."
"Users will be able to test their blood alcohol content by tapping the Apple Watch and then blowing into the BACtrack, leaving their phone in their pocket."
"The coveted title of drunkest NFL fans belongs to those of the Buffalo Bills, at least according to BACtrack, maker of smartphone-linked breathalyzers."
"Whether you are a regular drinker or occasional, your true BAC will surprise you. Anyone who enjoys alcoholic beverages should own a BACtrack and use it regularly".
-Todd W., Florida
BACtrack Mobile in Action
Breathalyzing Hillary Fans at The Democratic National Convention
How drunk were the people at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia? Watch to find out!
Posted by BACtrack on Thursday, July 28, 2016 -
Breathalyzing Trump Fans at The Republican National Convention
How drunk were the people at the GOP Convention in Cleveland? Watch to find out!
Posted by BACtrack on Thursday, July 21, 2016 -
Breathalyzing Fans at The Super Bowl
We sent two BACtrack Referees to breathalyze NFL fans at the Super Bowl. Watch what happens... #SB50 #SuperBowl #BACtrack
Posted by BACtrack on Sunday, February 7, 2016 -
How Many Drinks to 0.08? | 300lb NFL Lineman vs. 110lb Woman
Watch what happens when 110lbs Ali Spagnola tries to go drink for drink with a 300lbs NFL Lineman.
Posted by BACtrack on Tuesday, February 2, 2016