BACtrack Blog

Which NFL team's fans drink the most?
But before we zoom in on the 2024 Super Bowl, we must - in the name of science, of football, of both - zoom out to answer a bigger...
Which NFL team's fans drink the most?
But before we zoom in on the 2024 Super Bowl, we must - in the name of science, of football, of both - zoom out to answer a bigger...

Halloween Drinking, Driving & DUIs: The Statist...
No need for a haunted house - the statistics around drinking and driving, on Halloween alone, are terrifying enough. Will the pattern continue into 2023?
Halloween Drinking, Driving & DUIs: The Statist...
No need for a haunted house - the statistics around drinking and driving, on Halloween alone, are terrifying enough. Will the pattern continue into 2023?