Pando Daily Reviews BACtrack Mobile; Deems Ben Franklin a Fan

Pando Daily Reviews BACtrack Mobile; Deems Ben Franklin a Fan

Pando Daily wrote an interesting piece on BACtrack Mobile this week, notably judging that one of America's Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, "a tracker of habits and celebrated drinker, would surely approve." 

The Silicon Valley news monitor called the device a "quantified self app for boozers," and was most impressed by BACtrack Mobile's ZeroLine feature. 

"The app’s most beneficial piece of information, though, is the 'time to sober' chart," they report. "When, over the weekend, I blew a two-drink .039 at 10:30, BACtrack calculated I wouldn't be sober until 1 a.m. And last night... I was informed I’d be working booze out of my system until 2 p.m. today. True enough, I blew a .02 at 8 a.m. today... This information is particularly useful for anyone whose job requires driving or operating machinery and should probably not stay out until 1 a.m. drinking martinis." 

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