Elements of a Great Holiday Party

Elements of a Great Holiday Party

elements of a great holiday party | BACtrack

The holidays are almost here. If you are planning on throwing a party, be sure to keep these rules in mind in order make sure all your guests arrive home in one piece.

  • Plan ahead. Mention in the invitation that guests should have a plan for getting home safely. Confirm with their RSVP that they have a safe, non-drinking designated driver to bring them home.
  • Collect car keys. If there is drinking at your party, consider collecting car keys when people arrive. With a BACtrack, you can estimate their alcohol level with confidence and accuracy before they leave.
  • Plan activities. Encourage party games that don't involve alcohol so that those who are not drinking still feel engaged with the festivities.
  • Include some non-alcoholic drinks. Make sure all your guests know that they don't have to drink to have a good time. Include some brand name sodas, juices, and non-alcoholic spritzers for those who don't want to partake.
  • Provide a wide variety of snacks. Providing plenty of food will give your guests options and keep them from drinking on an empty stomach. This is a very important way to pace your guests.
  • Have fun, but not too much fun. Be a good host and stay within your limits. By doing so, you set a good example and ensure your guests drink responsibly, too.
  • Be careful with bigger cocktails. Some drinks, manhattans and martinis, for example, are traditionally served with larger amounts of spirits. Don't assume people want doubles unless they ask for them specifically. Be sure your guests know how much alcohol is in their drinks before you serve them. 
  • Get comfortable with empty glasses. In order to minimize intoxication, let guests' glasses be empty for a little while before you offer a refill.
  • Have a clear end time. Before you even begin, decide when the party will end. An hour before that appointed time, stop offering drinks and announce that coffee is available. Offer desserts or some other snack during this time. This provides guests the opportunity to sober up before they leave.
  • Test your guests before they leave. Use your BACtrack to determine everyone's alcohol level at the end of the night. Don't allow intoxicated guests to drive home. If you find that one of your friends has consumed too much, suggest they call an Uber, get a ride home with someone else, or let them sleep at your house.

Enjoy all your holiday gatherings with the peace of mind that BACtrack brings.

Shop for your BACtrack now.

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