TUAW Tests Out the BACtrack Mobile

TUAW Tests Out the BACtrack Mobile

The Unofficial Apple Weblog (or TUAW, for short) took BACtrack Mobile out for a test drive recently--or rather, a test without the driving. This isn't the first time they've mentioned BACtrack Mobile, but it is the first time they dug in, had a few drinks, and gave the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer full exploration. We always love when journalists do this as it gives them a true impression of what the breathalyzer's capacities are. 

The results? BACtrack Mobile SHINED like Danny in the Overlook Hotel.

"Pairing is quick and painless... When you're ready to check your BAC, you press a button in the app, watch a countdown "clock" spin down while the device preps itself, and then blow into the BACtrack... Within several seconds, the BAC level is displayed in the app. Just how accurate is the BACtrack Mobile? The company notes that the device uses "police grade" Xtend Fuel Cell Sensor Technology to make the measurements, and offers a high level of accuracy and consistency."

Their verdict: "If you like to have the occasional drink or two and then get into your car, BACtrack Mobile can help keep you and others safe by ensuring that you're not driving while impaired or under the influence. Think that the $150 price tag is expensive? Think again -- the cost of a first-offense DUI (driving under the influence) can run anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 in legal fees and higher insurance rates. BACtrack Mobile is a highly accurate tool that can help you make the decision to give your keys to a sober friend or take a taxi home."

Read the full article.

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