BACtrack, America's #1 Trusted
Breathalyzer Brand
Founded in 2001, BACtrack has sold more than one million breathalyzers to satisfied customers in over 20 countries around the world.
For 15 years, BACtrack has created accurate and reliable breathalyzers for consumers, businesses, schools, clinics, hospitals, the military, and law enforcement. Our customers trust us to offer the best in convenient, affordable, reliable blood-alcohol testing.
BACtrack Mobile Smartphone Breathalyzer
BACtrack Mobile Smartphone Breathalyzer
for iPhone & Android Devices
Now Just $99.99

Police-Grade Accuracy, Award-Winning Design
The #1 best-selling smartphone breathalyzer on the market, BACtrack Mobile has won rave reviews from both media and customers alike.
Check out some more notable reviews comparing BACtrack Mobile to Breathometer and Alcohoot below.
Independent Reviews

Click the logos above to read the full reviews by each publication.
BACtrack Mobile in Action