Which NFL Fans Drink the Most on Game Days?

Which NFL Fans Drink the Most on Game Days?


Today we released a report examining average BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) levels for Sunday games for the 2017 season through Sunday, December 3rd.

We used Twitter's map of NFL fan allegiance in order to associate BAC results with NFL teams across the country. We analyzed anonymous data from users of BACtrack Mobile, BACtrack's award-winning smartphone breathalyzer, and BACtrack Vio.

Our purpose? To find out which team's fans drink the most and the least -- and also to get people thinking and talking about BAC.

Ideally, our reports create a dialogue around alcohol consumption and BAC levels, making people more aware of the effects of alcohol and encouraging responsible drinking.

Below are the NFL fans' with the highest average BAC levels. View the full report and our interactive chart of average BAC levels, and see how average BAC levels correlate to a team's win percentage over the last 10 years. 





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