As you imbibe alcoholic beverages and approach the 0.08% BAC legal driving limit, you may notice that you’re less inhibited and more extroverted than normal. If you continue drinking and sail past 0.08% BAC, you may experience dramatic mood swings, slurred speech, and, worst of all, unsound judgment. The obvious call: Don’t get in your car and drive. That decision isn’t so easy when you aren’t thinking clearly. Self-assessment is a poor method of calculating your BAC.
One-Drink-Per-Hour Rule
In the beginning, the one-drink-per-hour rule doesn’t seem hard to track. Plus, it’s convenient and free. Not all drinks are created equal, though. Wine and beer have varying alcohol concentrations, and the strength of a mixed drink can fluctuate significantly depending on who mixes it. Add inebriated judgment to the mix, and you have a recipe for ruin. The one-drink-per-hour rule is too easy to break to be of any use in calculating an accurate BAC.
BAC Calculators and Charts
Free and readily available online, BAC calculators and charts claim to help you approximate your BAC levels based on your gender, weight, and quantity of drinks consumed. If this sounds simple, think again. BAC calculators and charts make huge assumptions about the strength of your drinks, and they don’t take into account personal factors such as your metabolism, health, medications, and recent consumption of food. When it comes to calculating BAC, these tools aren’t personalized enough to be of use.
Breath Testing
Commercially available breath testing units are the most reliable way to measure your BAC. BACtrack’s Professional Grade Breathalyzers are the most accurate, lightweight, portable, and reliable instruments on the market.
BACtrack Professional Grade Breathalyzers use Xtend® Fuel Cell Sensors, the same technology law enforcement officers use for roadside testing. Unlike charts, calculators, or rules, these devices don’t use generalizations–they are totally personal to you; using your breath to estimate your BAC. No other method is quite so fast, convenient and reliable.