BACtrack App Now Fully Integrated with Apple Health

BACtrack App Now Fully Integrated with Apple Health

Apple users running iOS 8 have noticed a new app pop up on their smart devices—Health. It marks Apple’s entrée into the world of health and activity tracking by collating a panoply of the user’s health metrics in one, sleek, easy-to-scan dashboard.  It’s a fantastic idea. We’ve embraced it by releasing a new version of the BACtrack App that features full integration with Health.

What this means is that the data from BAC readings taken with BACtrack Mobile or BACtrack Vio—our two smartphone breathalyzers that use the app to display BAC data and more—will sync directly with the Health App, providing users with even easier visibility of Blood Alcohol Content results.

Users can also view snapshots of their daily, weekly and monthly BAC levels, and make correlations between their alcohol consumption patterns and other factors that contribute to their overall health. For example, users can now:

  • Compare BAC levels and sleep data side-by-side to discover if alcohol consumption affects their quality and amount of sleep.
  • Track their daily routines using a wearable device and discover if activity levels change based on alcohol consumption patterns.
  • Use fitness apps to track exercise activity and see if results change based the previous night’s BAC levels.
  • View correlations between BAC levels and calories consumed using apps such as MyFitnessPal.

In order to sync the apps, simply open Health on your smart device. At the bottom of the screen, press Sources. You will then be able to choose the BACtrack App. Confirm you want the BACtrack app to sync Blood Alcohol Content on the next screen, and your device will begin to link data immediately. It's that easy!

In his book The Science of Drinking, Dr. Amitava Dasgupta, a Ph.D  Professor of Pathology and advisor for BACtrack, discusses how regular alcohol consumption actually has numerous positive benefits. By integrating with the Health app, BACtrack users can now better track and identify those benefits, including increased cardiovascular health, reduced likelihood of Alzheimer’s and improved mood.

In a recent statement, BACtrack Founder and CEO, Keith Nothacker said, “We are thrilled that Apple included Blood Alcohol Content in the Health app dashboard as it’s yet another indicator of the value in tracking one’s BAC as it relates to overall health. Our goal at BACtrack is to make breathalyzers and BAC data accessible to everyone, and integration with the Health app is a huge step in that direction.”

The newly updated BACtrack App is free and available in the App store. For additional information, visit our BACtrack Smartphone Breathalyzer page.

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