BACtrack Reveals Americans’ Summer Drinking Habits
BACtrack Reveals Americans’ Summer Drinking Habits

We've just released our fourth and latest Alcohol Consumption Report revealing the booziest days of summer. Like our prior reports, this one is based on data collected anonymously from users of BACtrack Mobile and BACtrack Vio Smartphone Breathalyzers. Notable insights are detailed below and the full results, including interactive data, can be viewed here.
“More than 10,000 people die every year in alcohol-impaired driving accidents, and the summer months are among the most dangerous times on the road,” said BACtrack president and founder, Keith Nothacker in a recent statement. “By shedding light on alcohol consumption habits, we hope to enlighten the general public so they become more informed and responsible drinkers.”
When Do Americans Drink the Most During Summer?
It’s no surprise that many Americans spend their summers floating down rivers or cruising across lakes with drinks in hand. According to BACtrack data, the summer booze cruise starts and ends on a high note, only declining slightly towards the end of July.
- The Summer Solstice, the official start of summer, and July 4th are tied for the booziest days, with an average BAC of 0.082%.
- Over 47% of days throughout the summer months (June, July and August) have an average BAC above 0.060%, the national average throughout the entire year.
- 8 of the 13 biggest drinking days of the summer are Saturdays, with average BACs between 0.075% and 0.082%.
- Americans drink the most in June, with an average BAC of 0.066%. July and August are tied with an average BAC of 0.063%.
- There are five summer days with an average BAC above the legal limit of 0.080%: June 7, June 14, June 21, July 3, and July 4.
Americans Celebrate their Independence by Drinking
Nothing says “America” like a good drink and some red, white and blue.
- The 4th of July is tied with the Summer Solstice as the booziest day of summer, with an average BAC of 0.082%.
- July 3rd comes in at a very close second, with an average BAC of 0.081%.
- The week leading up to the fourth of July is the booziest week of the summer, with an average BAC of 0.075%. No other week has an average BAC over 0.070%.
Most Sober Days of Summer
BACtrack found the summer days with the lowest average BACs are Mondays and Tuesdays, and that Americans drink the least at the end of July but then regain their drinking stamina throughout August.
- Tuesday, August 5th registered the lowest average BAC of 0.034%, followed by Monday, July 21st (0.039% average BAC), Monday, June 9 and Monday Aug 4 (both 0.040% average BAC).
- Looking at weekly BACs, the lowest average BAC was the last week of July, which registered at 0.058%.
- Americans increase consumption again the following week, at the start of August, with an average BAC of 0.061%.
For more info on this report or our methodology, see here. This is the fourth Alcohol Consumption Report BACtrack has released that provides insights into drinking habits throughout the U.S. You can also view the first, second, and third reports.