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BACtrack App Update Covered in 9to5 Mac

The updated BACtrack App and its integration with the Apple Health App was covered by 9to5 Mac today. The first topic they covered was why someone would want to BAC data to sync with your Health Data. Here's how they reasoned it: 

"So why would you want the Health app to know how drunk you are? The company explained some of the possibilities with the new Health integration:

  • Compare BAC levels and sleep data side-by-side to discover if alcohol consumption affects both quality and duration of sleep
  • Track daily routines using a wearable device and discover if activity levels change based on alcohol consumption
  • Use fitness apps to track exercise activities and see if results change based on the previous night’s BAC levels
  • View correlations between BAC levels and calories consumed using food tracking apps"

Check out the article here, or 9to5 Mac's review of the BACtrack Vio here